Dan Turner
8/14/2017 11:19:01 AM
Since we have been back in country, I have uploaded all of my pictures to the Troop website under Troop Photos. I tried to put them in blocks based on where we were on the trip. If for some reason, you cannot log on to the Troop website, please email webhelp@troop17.net for assistance. If you have pictures, please bring them on CD, USB drive, or your camera (with your USB cable) to the next meeting. I will be out of town this week but hopefully you can help one of the other OF upload them to the computer in the Scout office. See you soon! Mr. Turner PS If you have any Troop or other items that are not yours from the trip, please bring those back to Scouts also - I am sure someone is probably looking for them. DT
Dan Turner
7/21/2017 5:01:51 AM
On the way to JFK!
Dan Turner
7/20/2017 7:09:38 PM
Day 16 is officially upon us here in Scotland (its already past midnight here). This is our travel day when we get to move backwards in time as we cross the ocean. Our anticipated arrival is 6:00 pm. The JFK to DFW flight is full so there will be a lot of bags to collect at baggage claim A16 (as of right now). We have already handed off one Scout and are waiting for one more to be picked up tonight. Be sure to check the flight status for any gate changes (https://www.americanairlines.co.uk/travelInformation/flights/status/detail?search=AA|1223|2017,7,21&ref=search). It has been a fantastic trip but we are looking forward to getting home tomorrow. Mr. Turner
Bill Peterson
7/20/2017 6:04:18 PM
The group is coming home tomorrow on Flight 1223 from JFK.
Landing at 5:39pm. Currently at gate A-18.
Remember that it is always advisable to check gate information right before you leave home.
Dan Turner
7/14/2017 4:14:21 AM
Its Friday morning here, and yet halfway point in our trip. Hopefully you have been following us on Instagram (www.instagram.com/troop17) and have been watching what weve been up to. Something you dont want to see pictures of is the stomach bug that has been passed around the Troop. Its short lived but about half of us have had it at this point. We also took one Scout to the hospital to get his ankle x-rayed. Only a sprain. Boys were playing football and he got it twisted in a pile. Dont worry, its not your son - his dad is with us and his mom was promptly called. Weve already connected with our host Troop and will be meeting them this afternoon for several days of camping and Highland games. A big thanks to Mr. Plavidal for spending the first week with us - hes in the air on the way home.
Dan Turner
7/7/2017 6:31:38 PM
All is well here. No major issues. We have been on planes, trains, buses, and automobiles and even hiked a few miles to get here. Its been a long day (or has it been 2?). Follow the pictures on Instagram as long as I have battery. Mr. Turner
Dan Turner
7/6/2017 9:33:05 AM
We are meeting at gate A20. Departure gate has changed 3 times but we are meeting at A20. A20 A20 A20
Dan Turner
7/5/2017 4:35:10 PM
More reminders - PLEASE HAVE YOUR UNIFORM IN TIP TOP SHAPE. Scouting in Scotland is proud of their uniforming - we need to be proud of ours. NO KNIVES on the plane. No spring assisted or flip-open knives. No blades longer than 3 inches (check yours!). The UK has stricter laws on pocket knives so if in doubt, leave it at home. Be sure you have room in your backpack for some additional food or Troop gear once we get there. Lets all be sharp looking and smart. We are representing the Troop, Scouting, and the USA! See you in the morning, Mr. Turner
Bill Peterson
7/5/2017 1:26:39 PM
Tonight be sure your bags are packed, zipped up and ready to go to the airport. Also make sure your passport is somewhere that there is no way you will forget it. The name of the game is to BE PREPARED. As a reminder, our flight is AA1294 to JFK.
Bill Peterson
7/5/2017 1:24:18 PM
(Knock on wood) if there are any issues tomorrow morning. Please call Mr. Dan Turner (817) 239-0166 or Mr. Brent Johnson (817) 822-3414
Bill Peterson
7/5/2017 1:23:50 PM
WOW, its here. After 2 years of planning, tomorrow is the big day! We will be meeting at the ticketing counter near gate A20 (Upper Level) at 9:15am. This will be our meeting place even if there is a last minute gate change. As soon as everyone has arrived, the group will be going through security together. There is a tram (Skylink) on the other side which will allow for any gate change adjustments.
Dan Turner
7/4/2017 2:42:23 PM
2 days away! Can you believe it? Remember that we will meet Thursday morning AT DFW airport. As of right now, the flight is leaving from gate A17 (how fitting!). We will meet OUTSIDE security until everyone is there. Please go through the checklist yet another time to be sure you have everything! Mr. Turner
Dan Turner
7/1/2017 8:43:50 AM
5 Days!... One final reminder about the pack cover. Since rain gear would be good today, it will be good in Scotland. Be sure that you have rain gear for your backpack...a pack cover. They are available from $10-$40 online at Amazon, REI, or Campmor. Local stores like REI, Backwoods, or Mountain Sports (Arlington) should have a selection also. If you need Scout Socks, we will have them available today during the Eagle project (which is delayed until noon) and at Tuesdays meeting. Mr. Turner
Bill Peterson
6/28/2017 11:21:28 PM
7 Days!... We had a good gear shakedown. Sorry, I am going to add another item to the list (my bad). Everyone will need a backpack cover. This slips over your backpack when it is raining. You can also bring a sleeping pad but needs to be able pad down really tight. If you do not have all of your T-shirts, please email Mr. Turner what you need (include size). We plan on having them to distribute at the meeting on Tuesday. -Mr. Peterson